Monday, April 23, 2007

Get the book!

Right now Gemma Sisia is criss-crossing Australia visiting cities and regional towns to meet with the thousands of supporters who are encouraging her work at St Jude’s.

She is talking on the media and attending book launch events that have been organised by her supporters. I will be attending an evening talk tomorrow night where I plan to take lots of photos, and meet some interesting people. You’ll hear about some of it here on the blog in the coming days. Look here for a schedule of these book launch events.

In the mean time, you can contact a book shop near you for a copy of the book, ‘St Jude’s’, check here to see if your local library has it and if they don’t, ask them to get it in. It’s one book that every library should have! When you buy a copy, or get your library to buy a copy, some money goes to the school. Buy two! One for you and one for a friend. And when you lend your copy, ask your friend to make a donation to the school.

You can buy the book online through Collins Booksellers.

If you are a regular user of Australian libraries, this National Library of Australia site will tell you which libraries in Australia hold the items you are interested in. Isn’t that too cool? In fact the whole National Library is a wonderful free resource. If you are in Canberra, take a look at the beautiful foyer with its coffee shop and book shop.

National Library of Australia: Foyer with famous stained glass

There is usually a high-quality exhibition in the gallery, too. When they showed ‘International Treasures from the World’s Great Libraries’, they attracted such crowds that they had to stay open 23 hours a day! It was the most amazing exhibition event in Australian history.

Only one more sleep till I get to mingle with all the wonderful supporters of the amazing School of St Jude.

Things I am grateful for today –
  • Good drenching rain here in Sydney. Not in the catchment, but very welcome nevertheless.
  • Hybrid cars – we're looking at buying a Toyota Prius. What a clever car!

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