Saturday, June 16, 2007

Usa River building progress

On the main road from Arusha through Usa River, this sign has sprouted to announce the arrival of the new campus of the School of St Jude. Ah, I see that they drive on the left in Tanzania. That makes it easy for Aussies!

This is the entrance to the school. With those bright yellow walls, it will be hard to miss!

Here is a view of the foundations being laid for school buildings that will be open for business in January 2008. Over 150 local men and women are getting employment even at this early stage of building. Lots of families are happy that the school is going up in their area.

Usa River foundations

No large concrete trucks here – it's all mixed on site and carried in buckets.

This is where your money is going. You are building a new school.

Perhaps it will last for hundreds of years. Schools generally do. They get added to and renovated. Their old students come back and reminisce about their friends and teachers. The next generation arrives and a new layer of memories are laid down.

Building the future. Right now.

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